Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tournament Tuesdays: AWC #6 Part Four


In part three, I reflected upon the tournament, my opponents, and my results. In the final installment of this series, I want to look at my plans for future combat patrol tournaments.

I love the combat patrol format and how it changes the tournament experience. None of my games dragged and people in general seem more casual. The problem with Combat Patrol is that I have not recently seen the event run with painting being a major factor.

When it comes to my Tau patrol, I am torn with how I would like it to look on the battlefield. The simple reality is that tau need to stay far away from every other army in 5th edition. Far away! I really want to build an army that is themed around stealth and medium range firefights. That said, I have the desire for my next attempt at this format to be more focused on winning games instead of being a painted/themed army.

To this end, I am proposing the following list for the next combat patrol tournament.


I am undecided whether I would prefer two sniper teams or one. If I drop one, I believe I would return the vespid to the list as I like the models. However, I need to accept that for Tau to be effective in CP, the army must keep far away, not rely on tricks and have more numbers to weather enemy firepower.

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