Friday, February 18, 2011

Tau vs. Orks Battle Report [Zoning Out Week]

In the distance, the crude dialectic of the ork tongue could be heard bellowing from the ruins of a fueling station. The ork’s were filled with merriment as they scavenged among the remains of the once great imperial facility. Little did they know that another force has also come to see what treasures they could found among the wreckage.


In this battle report, Ernie’s orks and my tau find themselves facing off in an attempt to capture two key objectives.

This game was the second Killzone game that Ernie and I played on this day. Ernie had elected to use the same list from our first game while I elected to change armies and play tau. I also decided for this game that I was going to attempt to do video updates after each round. Needless to say, that did not go as I had planned.


The nob found itself surrounded by members of the stealth team. There was no cover in which it could hide and no comrades nearby that would join in the fight. Within its mind, two options played out: The first was to shoot everything. The second was to smash everything. Deciding that the second option was more proper, the sound of gears and grinding metal increased as the ork engaged its plan.

The stealth team was prepared. The first sign of motion by the ork caused the team’s sensors to come alive. In unison, each suit unleashed a blaze of cannon fire onto the ork, causing it to disappear into a cloud of smoke and crude machinery parts. With the same precision, the team halted their fire and waited for the smoke to clear. As they stood waiting, the burst cannon of one member began to lower towards the ground. As the muzzle of the cannon dipped below the horizon, a massive metal claw jutted from the smoke.


This particular game was very short compared with the first one of the day. The 2+ save of the mega-nobz proved to be a hurdle that my tau were unable to clear. I was hitting them all game, but with only a single AP 1 weapon, I failed to get close enough to actually kill something. In the end, this lack of firepower resulted in the tau being wiped out. A sad day for the greater good.


Lesson’s Learned…
1. When building a Killzone team, you must consider how you are going to deal with all kinds of units. In this case, my tau really struggled to handle the 2+ saves of the mega-orks.
2. I really need to better understand how to use tau. I continue to play them as if they were suited for getting into firefights and they clearly are not intended for such battles.
3. While I like the idea of doing little video updates after each round, I need a better plan on how I am going to implement that goal.
4. Don’t write battle reports while you are sick and on medication.


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