Monday, February 28, 2011
The Monday Mission (Consuming Darkness Part One)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
WTF Saturdays: The February 2011 Edition
If you don’t know what the acronym means, please look it up. The point of this monthly thread is to provide me a place where I can vent on various stuff I have experienced, seen, or read about the hobby in the last month. The kind of stuff that drives me to write something negative and detract from my general goal of providing inspiration and enjoyment with this site. If you are easily offended, please be advised…
1. Just because you won the game doesn't give you the right to tell your opponent how you would change their army. I am all for providing someone with feedback when asked for it, but just because you have an opinion doesn't mean that you should automatically share it. Along these lines, walking over to your buddies after a game and declaring how your opponent's army is a joke and how their choice in units is offensive to your very existence is not being sporting.
2. When rolling, don't pick-up the successes. I don't know where these kids are learning this stuff, but it must stop. If you roll 6 dice and 2 fail, pick-up those two up. This one is causing me to desire bringing my own rocket hammer with me to game.
Friday, February 25, 2011
News: Outpost Gaming League Rules
The Outpost Gaming League rules are now available and posted below. You can also find dedicated threads discussing the league on the WWHFB website. (Click here)

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Fantasy Thursdays: Preparing for Vanguard - Part Seven
My favorite model of all time is the Dark Emissary. I have owned him since he was released with the Albion campaign and always try to fit him in my armies either as the real deal or a “generic” wizard.
While not a slam against the Vanguard tournament, I must admit that the general bias against the model is pretty dumb considering the current tournament environment. When the model and his rules were released, the model was abused as a source for additional power dice. Since 7th edition does not allow for that sharing anymore, the threat of him on the board has been reduced.
Since not everyone reading this blog may be familiar with the Dark Emissary, let’s take a moment and travel down memory lane. The Dark Emissary represents a group of evil casters from the mystical isle of Albion that serves the Dark Master (aka Be’Lakor). In terms of game mechanics, it is a level four caster that counts as both a hero and rare choice. At 265 points, the model comes with a 5+ ward save and a +1 to casting. The model may only cast spells from a list specific to him. Among these spells is the standard magic missile, a panic causing spell, and a spell that causes a toughness check to avoid instant death. None of these spells are extremely powerful, but all of them can be useful. (If you do a Google search, you can find the complete rules.)
When I painted this fellow, one of the things that were important to me was to highlight the model without making any alterations to him. The beauty of the model is in its original design, so converting him would have been a sin to me. I did think though that he should be mounted on a slightly more dynamic base than what I would typically do.
Since Vanguard is not allowing me to use him in his truest form, I am just making him a level two hireling wizard. Since there are not a lot of magic item options for him, I am just going with a set of power stones and a dispel scroll.
When it comes to which lore I will use with him, I am leaning towards shadow, but may decide upon death in the end. I like to play my wizards offensively, so either choice may be decent, though neither is ideal when compared against the rest of my army.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Around the Net: Warhammer Forge Newsletter #3
23/02/11 |
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Screaming Down to Bloomington: Part One
The tournament is based on the rules for the upcoming WFB Championship at Adepticon (click here for details). I will not be playing in this tournament at Adepticon, so I figured this would be a chance for me to stretch my wings and play at a point size that I usually don’t explore. Since they are using the Adepticon rules, that means I need to have an army that is 2200 points, has no special characters, and uses the Indy GT Dogs of War book.
When I made the decision to attend, I was still running under the idea that I was using the GW pdf version of the DoW rules, so I expected to have a fully painted army (RoR were a great point sink using those rules). Once the decision was made to use the Indy GT rules instead, I concluded that I was not going to attempt to paint enough stuff to make up the point costs, so I am going in with unpainted toys. Not a huge deal according to the locals, but we shall see once I get there. Either way, my initial intention was not to show up with the goal of winning anything, so regardless of whether or not my army is fully painted, my true intentions are unchanged.
When it comes to attending, I have a pretty clear set of goals that I am looking to achieve at the tournament.
1. I wanted to go have some fun playing my Dogs of War in a casually competitive and organized environment.
2. I want to give 8th edition a spin at a point size larger than 2000 points. I don’t hide the fact that I find games over 2000 points to be boring and slow, but this may be a chance to change my opinion.
3. I would like to meet some of the folks that I have had conversations with on various forums.
4. It never hurts to self-promote, so I want to use this trip as an opportunity to share my excitement and passion for Invasion Kenosha. My hope is that this will entice a few folks from the area to make the drive up for a day of fun in Kenosha county.
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Monday Match-up for 02/21/2011 (Cheddar Bowl IV)

University of Wisconsin, Green Bay Campus
Phoenix Room B
2420 Nicolet Drive, Green Bay, WI, 54311
The Scenario

The Army

Special Conditions
Army Rules: Create an army from a current Warhammer Fantasy Battles army book of no more than 2200 points. You will be required to bring an additional 300 points of “Trusted or Suspicious Allies.”
Readers - If you have a list that you would like to appear in an upcoming Monday Match-up, send it to me at
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Decision Time - Adepticon Killzone Team

To conclude Zoning Out Week, I am looking to my readers to decide which of the forces I previewed this week should be my team for Adepticon. A poll has been started and will remain open till next Saturday. I would also love to read general feedback and thoughts about this week's series of articles.
If you have become a fan of Killzone, check back in late March for Zoning Out 2 week.
The Five - Feb 2011 Edition

The five best things about Special Operations: Killzone.
5. Overwatch – A rule from second edition makes it return to the game.
4. Missions – The Killzone team knocked this one out of the park by providing players with 18 missions.
3. Kill Teams – Seems kind of obvious, but there is something cool about being able to play a game with only a few models. This approach is great for folks like me that like to dip into certain armies without feeling the need to dive into them like standard 40K.
2. Themes – The army building rules allow for kill teams to be built around themes. This gives the game a sense of balance and really lets a person be creative using the existing codices.
1. Strategic but Small – I think some people have the misconception that Killzone games lack depth because of the small size. It is actually the opposite, as every model acts on its own and you are playing games on very terrain dense boards. The priority rules also make it that the game is always changing and you can be caught by surprise.
Friday, February 18, 2011
On the Bench: Tau Firewarrior [Zoning Out Week]
To start the process of painting this firewarrior, I used black primer followed by a wash of coal black. The reason I use this approach is to avoid the primer being applied to heavily while still giving the model complete coverage.
When it came to the red sections, I start with a base coat of Vallejo Black Red/Scar Red (4:1:1). The base coat was followed by a layer of Scar Red/Vallejo Black Red (8:1:2). Next, I applied a few layers of Scar Red mixed with Blood Red, each layer using a little more Blood Red. As I reach the conclusion of the red areas, I start to use a mixture of Blood Red/Orange Fire/Scab Red for highlights. My last highlight is accomplished using an Orange Fire/Blood Red mixture. Once the layers have dried, I use a glaze of Vallejo Transparent Red that has been heavily diluted with thinner.
The leather areas of the model were accomplished by starting with a base coat of Charred Brown. This was followed by a layer of Bestial Brown. Next, a mixture of Terra Earth and Bestial Brown was applied as a highlight. The final layer was an extreme highlight of Terra Earth.
The White sections of the model were painted using a base layer of Cold Grey. This was followed by a layer of Stonewall. The next few layers were a mixture of Stonewall and Skull White, with each layer transitioning closer to white. The final highlight was a straight application of Skull White.
Tau vs. Orks Battle Report [Zoning Out Week]

In this battle report, Ernie’s orks and my tau find themselves facing off in an attempt to capture two key objectives.
This game was the second Killzone game that Ernie and I played on this day. Ernie had elected to use the same list from our first game while I elected to change armies and play tau. I also decided for this game that I was going to attempt to do video updates after each round. Needless to say, that did not go as I had planned.

The nob found itself surrounded by members of the stealth team. There was no cover in which it could hide and no comrades nearby that would join in the fight. Within its mind, two options played out: The first was to shoot everything. The second was to smash everything. Deciding that the second option was more proper, the sound of gears and grinding metal increased as the ork engaged its plan.
The stealth team was prepared. The first sign of motion by the ork caused the team’s sensors to come alive. In unison, each suit unleashed a blaze of cannon fire onto the ork, causing it to disappear into a cloud of smoke and crude machinery parts. With the same precision, the team halted their fire and waited for the smoke to clear. As they stood waiting, the burst cannon of one member began to lower towards the ground. As the muzzle of the cannon dipped below the horizon, a massive metal claw jutted from the smoke.

This particular game was very short compared with the first one of the day. The 2+ save of the mega-nobz proved to be a hurdle that my tau were unable to clear. I was hitting them all game, but with only a single AP 1 weapon, I failed to get close enough to actually kill something. In the end, this lack of firepower resulted in the tau being wiped out. A sad day for the greater good.

Lesson’s Learned…
1. When building a Killzone team, you must consider how you are going to deal with all kinds of units. In this case, my tau really struggled to handle the 2+ saves of the mega-orks.
2. I really need to better understand how to use tau. I continue to play them as if they were suited for getting into firefights and they clearly are not intended for such battles.
3. While I like the idea of doing little video updates after each round, I need a better plan on how I am going to implement that goal.
4. Don’t write battle reports while you are sick and on medication.

Zoning Out Week: Adepticon Tau Empire Team

The last potential army for my Adepticon Killzone team is based on the Tau Empire codex. The idea with this army is to utilize the various stealth options available between the codex and Killzone rules.
Crisis Suit w/ Missile Pod, TL Flamer, Stealth 53 pts
Stealthsuit w/ Fusion 32 pts
Stealthsuit w/ Fusion 32 pts
Stealthsuit w/ Fusion 32 pts
Sniper Team 80 pts
Kroot 7 pts
Death from Above 10 pts
This is my attempt at another shooting style army for Killzone. The general tactic is to allow the sniper team and crisis suit to pick-off stuff at range and force the enemy to close the distance. Once they move in close, I will use the stealthsuits to deliver the killing blow with their fusion blasters.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
On the Bench: Angels Encarmine [Zoning Out Week]

In this edition of “On the Bench”, I review the color scheme I would use to paint the white sections of my Angels Encarmine.
1. Each model would be primed black and given a diluted wash of Badab Black.
Shading Coats
Overall, the shading process would be a series of thin layers of London Grey mixed with Light Grey.
2. The first layer of the coats would be intended to shade the white sections of the model. This would be accomplished by applying a layer of London Grey (4:1 London Grey: Thinner) to about 95% of the model>
3. The second layer is a combination of Vallejo London Grey and Light Grey (2:2:1:1 London Grey: Light Grey: Glaze: Thinner).
4. The third layer continues to lighten the area with a combination of Vallejo London Grey and Light Grey (1:4:1:1 London Grey: Light Grey: Glaze: Thinner).
Base Coats
5. The base coat layer is a combination of Light Grey and Skull White (2:2:1). The idea with the base coat is to create a light grey that will bring out the highlight layers and give the illusion that the areas are meant to be white while still having some depth to the color. Depending on coverage, a second coat of this layer with a little glaze medium can be applied.
Highlighting Coats
6. Using the base coat mixture, add 1 or 2 drops of Skull White. Apply this layer along the edges.
7. Add a few more drops of Skull White and Thinner to the mixture. Apply this layer along the edges with the exception of the parts that are furthest from the junction points of any edges being highlighted.
8. Add even more Skull White and continue to highlight towards any junction points or other key areas.
9. The final layer should be pure white and applied around junction points or other areas that draw the eye’s attention.
Zoning Out Week: Adepticon Blood Angels Team

Of all the various space marine chapters, the chapter of choice for me has been the Blood Angels. I like the imagery of marines equipped with jump packs, descending upon the enemy. As the chapter continues to include more angelic symbolism, I find this chapter to be an interesting option for a kill team.
Having decided that I would be developing a jump pack themed team, I knew I would be required to purchase the ‘Death from Above’ theme. This particular theme allows me to have more than two jump infantry models at the cost of 10 points and the force committing 75% of its points to such troop types. It is a cool theme, but as I built the list, meeting the 75% requirement was a bit of a challenge.
In a sense, this is the most unoriginal of my themes as it is similar to the themes I discussed earlier in the week. The reason I went with it though was I really like the idea of a death company marine chained to keep him from rampaging while being guarded by two marines equipped to contain their brother.
Sanguinary Guard w/ Refractor 50 pts
Death Company w/ Power Weapon and Jump Pack 50 pts
Vanguard Veteran w/ Jump Pack, Power Weapon, and Storm Shield 68 pts
Vanguard Veteran w/ Jump Pack, Power Weapon, and Storm Shield 68 pts
Death from Above Theme 10 pts
This army is about closing the distance very fast and hitting hard. The squad has a certain degree of survivability, but cannot weather any kind of firefight. Of the lists I am proposing this week, I would speculate that this one would have the greatest trouble winning games.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Chaos Daemons vs Orks Battle Report [Zoning Out Week]

To any archaeologist, the ruins of K’Nosha would have been a find of a lifetime. To the orks that were marauding them, they were simply old rocks stacked on top of each other. Little did they know that their presence had awoken an evil that had been lying in dormant for over a century.
“Fools were the Old Ones for creating beings that embody chaos,” hissed the daemonette as it stepped from the gateway.
“Fool was your pathetic god for creating such weak acolytes as you,” roared the bloodletter from across the ruined plaza.
Each of the daemons began to move towards its rival, claws and daemonic blades rising to inflict the first wound. With a cackle, a horror of Tzeentch materialized between them and began to speak in an echo laden voice.
“We are here for the green glow of ork souls. Let us not forget that our master serves all of our gods equally”

In this battle report, Ernie’s orks face the terrible onslaught of my chaos daemons. This was our first game of Killzone, so we elected to ignore the secondary mission and fate cards and just play a standard mission. Each of us built our armies based on the Adepticon rules which meant that we had 250 points with no more than 25 points spent on skills.

The mission we were playing was 12.2 : ENCOUNTER. IMO, this seemed to be the most basic mission, so we both felt like it was a good one for our first game of Killzone. When it came to designing my list, I decided to go with a mixture of daemons, thus allowing me to get a taste of how different units in the game would play.
6 Bloodletters
1 Fleshhound
4 Daemonettes
2 Horrors
1 Flamer
One of the first things that I realized when it came to building my list was that daemons start on the board. This makes a big difference to how I approached the list. The other thing I learned was that daemons of different gods could not come with 2” of each other. Not a huge deal, but since this was my first time out with Killzone, I drew a lot of attention to it.

Another cool thing about Killzone is that it is not the typical six turns and it’s over type of game. There is also the fact that the order of play can change each turn, so plans can fall apart as quickly as they are stacked.
Early Turns

The early turns of the game were spent with my Khorne models meeting the mega-nobz head on. The fleshhound was the first to reach them and served as little more than a speed bump to the power clawed greenskins. It didn’t matter though, as its sacrifice was enough to allow for my bloodletters to reach the same orks and deliver their daemonic blades. It was an epic battle that left the ruins covered in green blood.

While this was happening, my Tzeentch and Slaanesh models each circled opposite sides of the center ruin. My horrors were weathering shots from a crazed ork that had climbed to the top of the ruins. On the other side, my daemonettes split to grab a corner of the table while seducing the last of the mega-orks that had failed to enter the ruins proper.

Middle Turns
The middle of the game became a cat-and-mouse affair between the daemons and orks. It was at this point that we really got a good taste of priority rules. Unlike 40K were you plan your moves around the sequence of play between you and your opponent, in Killzone, there is an advantage to taking risks and gambling on the priority rolls. There is also the potential for things to come crashing down when you set-up for those priority rolls and fail to make them.

It was during the middle of the game that I found myself chasing the stormboy and remaining few orks. The problem for me was that they had the advantage of speed and firepower. I would move to engage, but the darn orks would just skip back and shoot another daemon.
Late Turns
The game really came to an end with the last of my daemonettes trying to kill the last of the orks. As we approached the conclusion of the game, I realized that my only chance of winning was to kill what Ernie had remaining. To the credit of the Killzone team, the rules for scoring really make it that a game cannot boil-down into a stalemate.

The game concluded with the last of my daemonettes reaching the few orks and dying to a combination of claws and crude weapons. As she faded back into the warp, her screams of anger could be heard across the planet. While back in Ernie’s basement, we were both laughing and reminiscing about how the Killzone rules had brought back fond memories of 2nd edition and Necromundo.

I am not going to claim that Killzone is a replacement for standard 40K, but I will say that it is a great supplement to the game and really brings something that 40K needs. I love the narrative feel of the missions and found myself getting very excited at the storytelling potential of this format.
Lessons Learned…
1. Every army needs to have troops that can close the distance with the enemy. My single flamer and fleshhound were not enough for getting at the orks who were clever enough to avoid the slower moving bloodletters and daemonettes.
2. While the errata for chaos daemons do kind of push you towards keeping daemons of the same god together or at least away from another god’s minions, I don’t need to move them like they are a single squad. Reflecting back on the game, I felt like I should have spread out my forces more and done a little more mixing between the gods.
3. Don’t overlook the cool upgrades and skills available. There were a couple of options that I ignored which may have helped with some of my models surviving longer. FNP on a flamer is one example.
The Wednesday Peek

This Week's Peek...
Bonus Game...
This week's peek includes a bonus game. Can you identify the number of different kits that were used to create the following model?