In this installment, I reflect upon my experience at the tournament.
The struggle of any event is to get people to participate, especially if the event deviates from the norm. Leading up to this tournament, there were some rumblings online about whether or not it would be cancelled because of low turnout. Alot of times, that is what does happen, but not in this case. Greg stood tall and reassured those of us that signed up that the tournament was happening. So for that, I thank him.

Overall, the tournament was alot of fun and I am glad to have gone. None of my opponents made me regret driving to Downers Grove and spending the time away from my family. So for that, I thank them.

Looking back, I generally feel a couple of the missions were not well thought out and punished shooty armies while never hindering assault forces. Now to be fair, I am a bit bias playing Tau, but the fourth mission is a great example of my point. The rolling for ammo quickly handicapped my army and made it unplayable by the third turn. Again, a good general plays thru such challenges, but I do think there should have been a similar "effect" placed on assault armies in one of the other missions. Balance is the key, so a little more is needed for Adepticon.

Due to the small turnout, there was an abundance of marine lists. Can't blame anyone for playing what they want to play, but it does make me wonder if the format favors the marine books. As Greg pointed out, his marine list has gone undefeated in the format and while I am sure that has to do largely because of his skills as a player, I do think there may be an advantage based on book used.

Below are the results that have been posted for the event. Upon review of the results, I noticed a few issues with them, primarily who won the awards compared against the actual scores. This has been brought to the attention of the TO, who does admit the results posted were wrong, but to date, no update has been posted. Not a show stopper for me, but it does cause that red flag to go up in the back of my head since this was a primer for the Adepticon event. Hopefully these scoring issues will be corrected before April.
Fred Fortman 131 27 158 185
Greg Swanson 107 28 135 163
Tom Curzi 87 25 112 137
John Clemens 77 28 105 133
John Frizzell 75 28 103 131
Vince Hammond 77 27 104 131
Joe Meyer 82 19 101 120
Andrew Karolus 66 28 94 122
Dave Penfold 72 21 93 114
Artur Sot 52 35 87 122
John Gaszak 27 31 58 89 Mike Ruffalo 23 26 49 75
Overall Fred Fortman
General Tom Curzi
Painted Artur Sot
Sportsman John Clemens