Episode 22 – Adepticon Recap
Sponsored by Unique Gifts & Games, Unseen Lerker, The Game Preserve, and Ursa’s Den
The Garage ManaGeR segment is sponsored by Chaos Orc’s Superstore
Shout out Sponsors: Robert Ruffner and Big Mike
Local Tournament Info segment brought to you by Circle City Circuit.
So here’s Episode 22. Sorry we are a few days late with it. This episode, we talk a bit about the Tomb Kings preorder, and then it’s on to our discussion of almost 2 dozen games we played at Adepticon and in our Mighty Empires Campaign! We also talk about the many things we saw and did other than gaming there.
Finally, we would like to thank everyone we met and talked to and played with/against at Adepticon. It was one of the best times we ever had gaming and we can’t wait for next year.
Thanks for listening and see you in just a few weeks for Episode 23!Follow us on Facebook (Garagehammer Podcast) and Twitter (Garagehammer)
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Christopher: garagehammer@live.com
David: david@garagehammer.net
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Thanks for listening!
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