Monday, April 11, 2011

Adepticon 2011: Dogs of War vs. Vampire Counts

The Cursed Company stood in the middle of the field as Chase came to stand beside the paymaster. The regiment had not moved since the last battle, and Chase found it puzzling, and a bit troubling, to share the company of the undead warband.

“What do you think it is like to be like them,” asked Chase.

“I am sure it is like endless torment,” replied the paymaster.

“How can you be certain?” question Chase.

“I can see the pain in the eyes of Krueger,” the paymaster responded.

“All I see is an eerie green glow of where his eyes should be.”

“There is emotion in those eyes, and that emotion is hate. A hatred for what has become of them and what they have lost,” remarked the paymaster as he turned to walk away.


Round four of the Adepticon tournament was three rounds in the making. By that I mean that Ian and I had been chatting that we wanted to play each other over the prior few rounds, so us getting matched up for the last game was a real pleasure.


Early Turns

The early game was my usual approach of trying to dwindle down the biggest unit with a combination of magic and shooting. I did a decent job, of hurting Ian’s biggest unit, but not enough that he wasn’t able to recover from it during his magic phase.

Middle Turns

The middle of the game is when the Cursed Company made their way into the grave guard. I knew they didn’t have much of a chance, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to finally see them face another undead unit. Sadly the excitement only lasted for two turns of combat, the necromantic blades of the grave guard made quick work of my simpler skeletons.


Elsewhere, the Vargulf proved to be more than I could handle as he survived all of my attempts to shoot it down. As I watched it tear into my lines, I was reminded of my last game at the Waagh Cast tournament. My last opponent at that tournament suggested I include some form of flaming attacks, so I did so in the form of the lore of metal. The only problem was that the direct damage spells don’t work on stuff without an armor save. Needless to say, the Vargulf found himself a lovely smorgasbord of models to consume on my side of the board.

The one positive note for me was how effective my unit of ogre mercenaries were during this part of the game. I was able to charge the big unit of skeletons and proceeded to remove an enormous number of skeletons from the unit.

Late Games


The late game was really just a matter of Ian cleaning up what remained. As the game concluded, Vespero was my last unit, and he was just moving into position to launch an assault on the grave guard.


While the outcome of the game was never in question, Ian was a good player with a solid army; I cannot express how much fun this game was against him. I laughed throughout it and never once felt like I was playing a competitive game or player. The best part was that Ian won Best Sportsman, an award he clearly deserved.

Looking ahead to next year, I really hope they keep the 1000 point format. I have been running it for years at Invasion Kenosha, so it was cool for me to have a chance to play it. If I were to take Dogs of War next year, I would keep the Marksmen, ogres, and my hero choices. I would drop the Cursed Company and include 2 more units of crossbowmen for the points. I think I would also bring either a second cannon or the Goblin Hewer. Finally, I would increase the unit size of Vespero’s Vendetta and/or make them a generic unit of duelist.

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