Last Month's Total: 23 Points
Points Earned in June: 1 Points
Total Points in 2009: 24 Points
Special Thanks to Lone Pilgrim for introducing such a fun idea to the 40K blogsphere.
The competition is to come up with a special character for a space marine chapter that doesn't already have one (Like the Sabol swords, Fire lords that type of thing) and write rules, fluff and set a points limit for you're character.
The deadline to get you're entires in is the 10th July and then voting will last a fortnight. The voting is not based on having the most overpowered character within reason, it is to make one with a great backround and rules to back it up and is of a reasnable point cost.
The Realms of Equinox Present's
Black Matt's Black Legion Present's
Obliterator Conversion Giveaway
Bay Hammer
Chaos Tyranids
1) We aren't going to support new books until they support old ones.
Planetstrike doesn't support all the armies equally, leaving two completely out,
the Inquisition. Even Chaos Daemons only gets a passing mention. If Inquisition
players have the same treatment to look forward to as Apocalypse then this
product needs to ignored.
2) It doesn't actually have anything new. It gives
rules for something players have already been doing. The entirety of the rules
can be summed up in 3 bullet points, all that you are missing are the assets,
which have several redundancies from previous books and 3 codex's given short
(if any) attention.
3) The state of the FAQ's and Codex's is down right
insulting and planetstrike is only going to make that worse. The fact that some
players are having to wait over a decade to see their army supported by GW is a
travesty. GW is wasting a release this year on a book that has nothing new
rather than supporting codex's desperately in need of it such as Necrons and
Dark Eldar. Rather than address the problem with simple online web updates and
giving someone who really needs it a new codex they release planetstrike.
4)GW doesn't believe that veteran gamers can affect their bottom line. It's time
to show them that if they aren't going to support us it will hurt them. Players
quickly graduate to "veteran" status and find themselves wishing for more
responsive support. Putting a dent in their profits on one product shows them
the real long term risk. We can flex our muscle here and GW might just start
taking players who want a balanced and updated game seriously.
The competition is to come up with a special character for a space marine chapter that doesn't already have one (Like the Sabol swords, Fire lords that type of thing) and write rules, fluff and set a points limit for you're character.
The deadline to get you're entires in is the 10th July and then voting will last a fortnight. The voting is not based on having the most overpowered character within reason, it is to make one with a great backround and rules to back it up and is of a reasnable point cost.
The Realms of Equinox Present's
Black Matt's Black Legion Present's
Obliterator Conversion Giveaway
Bay Hammer
Chaos Tyranids
Picture of the winner for the first Paint or Die!
Entry Fee: FREE.