The third member of the Matchstick Boys has been completed. With the completion of the third model, I still feel like the casting on these models is not the best. I do like the look of the bandaged head, but it lacks the smooth curves that are on the plastic cadians.
When it comes to the color scheme I am using for this unit, I am finding that I like the sharper highlights on the blue. It does make the models pop a little more and draw the eye to them. I also think the brown boots are a nice contrast with the other colors on the model.
One last note is that I have not been satisfied with the quality of the pictures I have been taking with the iPad mini. I am not certain if it user error, the lens being dirty, or just the quality of the camera, but regardless, I am going to switch back to using my digital camera that I had used in the past. Just wanted to make a note of this as I feel like the pictures I have been posting don’t do a good job of showing off each model.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
On the Bench: Veteran Guardsmen with Shotguns - Part Two
This is the second veteran guardsman that I have completed for the unit I am referring to as the ‘Matchstick Boys’. Similar to the last one, this one uses parts from the Forgeworld Cadian Hardened Veterans kit. I like the kit in general, but feel the casting of the head I used for this model was off. In particular, the area around the eyes seems sunken and off when compared to how the model looks in the picture on the Forgeworld website.
Another piece that I decided to add to this model was the resin backpack that came with the Forgeworld kit. I wasn’t sure at first if it would be appropriate as the unit is intended to depicted as an escort for a group of criminals being unloaded from a chimera transport. In the end, I was pretty happy with how it looked, though I do think that it was also slightly miscast like the head.
Imperial Guard,
On the Bench
Episode 24 - Dark Elf Review

Episode 24 - Dark Elf Review
Sponsored by Heroes Haven Comics and Games
After many delays and a re-recording, episode 24 of the show has finally become available. This episode begins with us introducing our newest sponsor, Heroes Haven Comics and Games. Next, John goes crazy over the release of Be'Lakor and reads an email from a listener. Once the excitement ends, the guys do Marshaling the Host. After MoH, John Ontto joins the show to participate in a review of the Dark Elf army book.
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Episode Timeline
00:00:17 - Sponsors
00:01:00 - Listener Emal & Be'Lakor Review
00:20:50 - Marshaling the Host
00:42:10 - Merry Mayhem Preparations
00:58:10 - Dark Elf Review
02:01:30 - Tournament Round-up
Army Lists, Feedback, Topic Ideas -
Upcoming Tournaments -
John -
Show Links
Big Mek’s Garage
Rare Choice Games: Facebook | Youtube
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Roaming Gamer: The Wandering Dragon (Plainfield, IL)
Every month, I find myself wandering the country in search of new games stores to experience and write about. Sometimes I find myself dragging into a store just to find a new place to write about each month. However, with this month’s article, I have found a true gem that I could not wait to write about.
The first thing that stands out about the Wandering Dragon is the overall look and feel of the place. This is a gamer’s delight set-up within a classy atmosphere that I have not experienced in other stores. I have also been to stores before that have individual game rooms, but never one that had such well-maintained and nice looking ones as the Wandering Dragon. While this may not be the biggest game store, for example Rockhead’s in Kenosha is much larger, the Wandering Dragon has done an excellent job of maximizing the use of their space while allowing each gaming group a bit of privacy.
When it comes to their selection of games, the store is stocked with a huge variety of board, card, and miniature games. The only standout exception is that they do not carry Games Workshop products, but they can order them for anyone looking for anything from the standard lines. The store also stocks a nice assortment of snacks and drinks (including hot beverages), so there is never a need to take an extended break to run elsewhere during a game.
As for the staff, my personal experience with them has been fantastic. I get the impression that this is a family run business by the way they interact with their customers. If you are looking for a knowledgeable staff that will help you with finding what you need without pushing the latest product down your throat, you can’t beat the Wandering Dragon.
In some ways, this review reads like a commercial, but truthfully I believe that is because there is nothing negative that can be said about the store. If I had to find fault, the only criticism I can make is that they do not carry Games Workshop products in the store. The Wandering Dragon is located in a great part of Plainfield, but folks visiting it may never know that because there is no reason to ever step out of the place once you get there.
Roaming Gamer Score: 4.5 (5 - Outstanding, 1 - Crapfest)
The Mouth,
The Wandering Gamer
Monday, December 9, 2013
On the Bench: Eagle Warriors Space Marine - Part 7
If there is one aspect of space marine models that I would say is iconic, it would be the shoulder pads. The reason I would call them out is that they give weight to the model and serve as a quick identifier of the marine’s chapter. They can also be the part of a marine that makes or breaks the overall visual of the model.
When selecting the shoulder pads for my first unit of tactical marines, I debated over whether to go with more complex ones (possibly even 3rd party ones) or use the simple ones from base marine kit. In the end, I decided on the simple pads as the model already contained a lot of extras (purity seals, eagle icons, etc…) and I wanted to give myself breathing room when working on HQ models.
The process for painting the model is basically the same as I shared in prior articles. The one nice part about doing the shoulder pads was that I did not have the challenge of trying to paint the divide between blue and white sections. The downside upon completion is that I felt they were kind of plain looking and actual detracted from the model. I may circle back with the unit once it is finished and add some type of freehand to all of the units pads, just to make them standout better.
On the Bench,
Space Marine
Friday, December 6, 2013
Veteran Guardsman with Shotgun - Part 2
This is the second veteran guardsman that I have completed for the unit I am referring to as the ‘Matchstick Boys’. Similar to the last one, this one uses parts from the Forgeworld Cadian Hardened Veterans kit. I like the kit in general, but feel the casting of the head I used for this model was off. In particular, the area around the eyes seems sunken and off when compared to how the model looks in the picture on the Forgeworld website.
Another piece that I decided to add to this model was the resin backpack that came with the Forgeworld kit. I wasn’t sure at first if it would be appropriate as the unit is intended to depicted as an escort for a group of criminals being unloaded from a chimera transport. In the end, I was pretty happy with how it looked, though I do think that it was also slightly miscast like the head.
Imperial Guard,
On the Bench
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Episode 23 - Battlescrolls Review
Sometimes the moment is just right for us to get together and record a short episode to discuss something currently happening in the hobby. When those moments arrive, we call them an Unstable Moment. In this
brief episode, we review the new battlescrolls released by Games Workshop. As part of the discussion, we talk about how these new digital updates work in the game and breakdown how battlescroll formations fit into the existing army composition. We also take a look at the first two battlescrolls to be released: Be'Lakor and The Restless
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Episode Timeline
00:00:17 - Battlescroll Review
Army Lists, Feedback, Topic Ideas -
Upcoming Tournaments -
John -
Show Links
Big Mek’s Garage
Rare Choice Games: Facebook | Youtube
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Episode Timeline
00:00:17 - Battlescroll Review
Army Lists, Feedback, Topic Ideas -
Upcoming Tournaments -
John -
Show Links
Big Mek’s Garage
Amethyst Veil,
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Lizardmen vs Empire Battle Report (1000 points)
Recently, Andrew and I gathered to play some games at my place and test out some of my theories about using lizardmen in the Adepticon Team Tournament. In particular, I wanted to get comfortable with using the ripperdactyls as I admit that I don’t typically use units with the frenzy special rule. I also wanted to try out various units using the old models I own before investing in any of the new kits.
John’s Lizardmen List
Skink Priest with Lore of Heavens (level 2)
15 Saurus Warriors w/ Full Command
20 Skink Warriors w/ Full Command and 2 Kroxigors Stegadon
3 Ripperdactyls (proxied with screamers)
2 units of Salamanders
Andrew's List
Captain w/ 2+ armour save
BSB w/ 2+ armour save
Unit of Statesmen (w/ Halberds) and detachment of Handgunners
Unit of Knights
2 Cannons
The set-up of the table was similar to what we used in the game we played earlier and involved a couple of forest, some impassible terrain and a few hills. The scenario for the game was a basic pitch-battle with no special modifiers or objectives. When it came to deploying our armies, Andrew gathered the bulk of his forces in the center of his deployment zone. I decided to spread things out and placed my stegadon on one side of the impassible rock, my salamanders, saurus and skink units towards the center and my ripperdactyls to my far left.
Outside of playing lizardmen in 8th, another first for me in this game was selecting the Lore of Heavens for my skink chief. At the last Adepticon, I watched my partner in the Team Tournament use the lore to great effect and wanted to see what I could do with it. I was also interested in trying the lore as I am considering ‘Ekko as my general for next year’s TT with Andrew. When it came to spells, I ended up with Chain Lightning and Iceshard Blizzard.
With armies deployed and spells chosen, we proceeded to play out the game. My main strategy was to move the bulk of my army to engage Andrew’s forces while my stegadon and ripperdactyls came in on the flanks of his army. Knowing that Andrew had cannons, I expected the stegadon to be the early focus of their attention. To this end, they made quick work of the big beastie, dropping it by the second turn.
With the cannons focusing on the stegadon, my skink priest and salamanders were given an opportunity to unleash some ranged attacks on the Empire. In this situation, the real winner for me was the two turns of chain lightning that I was able to get off with the skink priest. In both turns, I gambled big and got irresistible force off both times. Unfortunately, the second time spelled the end of my magic phase as my priest lost his wizard levels from the miscast. Regardless, the spell bounced its way through Andrew’s units, dropping knights, handgunners, and even a crewman from one of the cannons.
Moving into the middle of the game, the ripperdactyls finally made contact with one of the cannons. They made quick work of it before being double assaulted by Andrew’s general and BSB. This became the tarpit of the game as my rippers kept failing to get past the 2+ saves. Finally, as the game was reaching its conclusion, I was able to score a killing blow and finish his general.
With a final roll of the dice, the game was over and victory points were tallied. I had lost the stegadon and both salamanders. Andrew had lost everything but the single cannon that I was unable to reach before the game concluded. It was a good game and not an easy win against such a skilled opponent. Most of the units performed well, with the skink priest over-performing and the stegadon under-performing. I really liked the saurus warriors and how they did against Andrew’s knights and statesmen. The ripperdactyls showed potential, but I felt like they would have done better if I had more of them on the table. In the end, the game gave me a lot to consider and a victory against Andrew. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday night.
Battle Reports
Monday, December 2, 2013
On the Bench: Eagle Warriors Space Marine - Part 6
One of my favorite color schemes to paint right now is pseudo-NMM gold. When I do it well, I love the brightness and contrast of the color scheme on a model. The challenges however is that when it is done wrong, it can have the reverse effect of making the intended area appear dull.
Privateer Press White Primer
Reaper Chestnut Brown (4:1)
Vallejo Brown Ink (1:8)
Reaper Chestnut Brown (4:1:1)
Reaper Chestnut Brown and Reaper Palomino Gold (2:2:1)
Reaper Palomino Gold (4:1:1)
GW Sepia Wash Reaper Palomino Gold (4:1:1)
Buckskin Pale (4:1)
The paints outlined above are more of a general guide than an exact step-by-step breakdown of how I painted the gold sections of the model. The trick that I found when painting these sections is to be flexible and not afraid of making touch-ups as you go. I find sometimes that I need to go back over a section with a lighter or dark layer to better blend the colors. I also make stupid mistakes, like miss whole sections, and find myself backtracking to catch-up the missed area.
On the Bench,
Space Marine
Monday, November 25, 2013
On the Bench: Veteran Guardsman with Shotgun
At the moment, I am juggling a couple of different projects in an effort to keep myself motivated. To this end, as I find myself becoming frustrated or bored with one project, I can jump over to another one that can be done more quickly. The good thing about doing this is that I keep getting stuff painted. The bad piece is that I need to jump around too much; otherwise I will never finish an actual squad or regiment.
The color scheme used for this model is similar to ones that I have used in the past for my guardsmen, but with a few noteworthy changes. The first major difference between this guardsman and the ones from the prior squad is that I focused more on adding “hard” highlights to the model. Another difference was that I included the Vallejo Magic Blue to the mixture when working on the blue areas. Finally, I decided to go with brown boots that matched the belts instead of the dark grey ones on the first squad.
The ultimate goal with this squad is to have a 10 man unit of veterans armed with shotguns and flamers. I also plan on painting a chimera for this unit that is armed with heavy flamers on the turret and in the hull. Whether or not that actually happens is a matter of time and dedication, but for now I feel it is a strong possibility.
Imperial Guard,
On the Bench
Friday, November 22, 2013
On the Bench: Eagle Warriors Space Marine - Part 5
One of the reasons I decided to use the new Sternguard kit was that I really like the look of space marines accented with robes, cloaks, and loin clothes. Maybe it is because I also love the imagery of super heroes that I find myself wanting the same with my marines (after all, space marines are the super heroes of the 40k universe). The challenge in the past was that the only models that really had such a look were in metal or finecrap. Thankfully that has changed with the new kit and I can now expand my army to fit the idea I have had for years.
When it came to painting the loincloth, I wanted to use the scheme provided in the GW painting guide, but I did not want to use GW paints again. To this end, I needed to match-up my Vallejo paints with the ones being suggested by GW. Thankfully, DAKKDAKKA has a great conversion chart that allowed me to identify close matches in the Vallejo range. To begin the process, I painted the cloth areas with Vallejo Game Color Khaki (061). Once the paint was dry, I applied a wash of GW Seraphim Sepia. While I generally dislike the GW paint line, I do admit that their washes are superior to any other ones I have tried. When applying the washes, I apply two or three coats. The first one is a general coat over all of the khaki areas. Once the first coat has dried, I do another layer into the deeper portions of the model.
Once the washes have dried (usually a couple of hours or the next day), I begin the process of layering the highlights. I begin with a layer of thinned khaki (4:1:1) and slowly add Vallejo Bleached Bone to each new layer of the mix. As the layers become lighter, I also add Vallejo Glaze Medium and thinner to the paint to better blend the layers.
On the Bench,
Space Marine
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Episode 22 - Building a New Army
This episode is more of a casual affair about tournaments and army building. The Warriors Three discuss trends in the tournament scene and how prizes can influence games. As they transition into Marshaling the Host, they discuss their original plans for the Adepticon Team Tournament in 2014 and how each of them approaches building a new army. The show concludes with a discussion about the new sponsorship program and how listeners can help out the show in 2014.
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Episode Timeline
00:00:17 - Tournaments, Cash Prizes, and Atmosphere
00:41:25 - Marshaling the Host (Building a New Army)
01:08:38 - Sponsor the Show
Army Lists, Feedback, Topic Ideas -
Upcoming Tournaments -
John -
Show Links
Big Mek’s Garage
Monday, November 11, 2013
On the Bench: Eagle Warriors Space Marine - Part 4
In part 4 of this On the Bench series, I summarize how I painted the lens on the bolter's scope. Lens are one of the things that I enjoy painting as they can be challenging, but when done well, really add something to a model. I was particularly excited by the lens on this model as the bolter reminds me of the ones that were available for Deathwatch conversion kits that GW produced at one time. Overall, I was happy with the results, though I feel I could have added a few more layers to smooth the blending better.
1. Vallejo Dark Blue (4:1 | Dark Blue:Thinner)
2. Vallejo Dark Blue/Skull White (8:1:2 | Dark Blue:Skull White:Thinner)
3. Add 2 drops of Skull White and 1 drop Vallejo Glaze Medium
4. Add 2 drops of Skull White, 1 drop Vallejo Glaze Medium, and 1 drop thinner
5. Wet Blend Skull White with mixture from prior step
6. Carefully apply a thinned wash of Asurman Blue Wash to the darkest sections of the lens
7. Apply two small dots in the darkest section
On the Bench,
Space Marine
Friday, November 8, 2013
On the Bench: Eagle Warriors Space Marine - Part 3
In this article, I review the test scheme I used to achieve the white sections of the model. This part of the model was a bit more challenging than I expected because I decided to use GW paints instead of the usual Vallejo bottles. The GW paints are thicker and didn't agree with my eye dropper, so thinning the paints was a bit of a hassle. I also found that the color scheme I was using from the GW painting guide was very vague on how the colors should be layered.
1. I applied a layer of GW Celestra Grey (~4:1)
2. Next, I applied Agrax Earthshade as a wash to the white sections.
3. Once the wash was dry, I began the process of layering on a mixture of Celestra Grey and Ulthuan Grey.
4. As the process continued, I started to add more Valejo Skull White to the mixture. I also began to include a little Vallejo Glaze Medium.
2. Next, I applied Agrax Earthshade as a wash to the white sections.
3. Once the wash was dry, I began the process of layering on a mixture of Celestra Grey and Ulthuan Grey.
4. As the process continued, I started to add more Valejo Skull White to the mixture. I also began to include a little Vallejo Glaze Medium.
5. The last layer was a small amount of Vallejo Skull White to give the model some sharp highlights.
On the Bench,
Space Marine
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
The Roaming Gamer: Battleground Gaming and Hobbies
One of the pleasures of my job is that I get to travel all over the United States. During my travels, I get to visit various game stores and get a chance to see how folks approach the hobby in different parts of the world. I also get to find those gems that are worth checking out just to pick-up something new or have a fun chat. This month I review Battleground Gaming and Hobbies.
During a recent trip to Boston, I had a chance to visit the Attleboro store During a recent trip to Boston, I had a chance to visit the Battlegrounds store located in Attleboro, MA. The store was a bit difficult to locate, must being from the midwest, most of the Boston area can be a pain at time. When I arrived at the store, there were a few guys playing card games and a single clerk helping a customer at the desk. The clerk was courteous and greeted me upon arrival, but didn't really get a chance to interact with me as he was working with another customer.
Strolling through the store, I found it to be well stocked with GW products. Everything was neatly organized and priced at the standard MSRP. The store also stocked many different non-GW products, including Privateer Press and Magic. There was also a board gaming and role-playing section.
The majority of the space in the store was dedicated to gaming. There were a handful of miniature gaming tables, each covered in very nice looking terrain. There was also tables dedicated to the playing of card and role-playing games. Overall, the gaming space was decent, but I could see it becoming easily packed on days when a decent crowd shows up.
Overall, I thought Battleground was a nice gaming store, but not a memorable one. As a non-local, I need something to motivate me to visit a store while in town, and I did not find it with this place. The gaming tables were nice, but may feel crowded during peek hours. Also with GW products at MSRP, there are many other options available to me when I am looking to add something new to my collection.
Roaming Gamer Score: 3 (5 - Outstanding, 1 - Crapfest)
During a recent trip to Boston, I had a chance to visit the Attleboro store During a recent trip to Boston, I had a chance to visit the Battlegrounds store located in Attleboro, MA. The store was a bit difficult to locate, must being from the midwest, most of the Boston area can be a pain at time. When I arrived at the store, there were a few guys playing card games and a single clerk helping a customer at the desk. The clerk was courteous and greeted me upon arrival, but didn't really get a chance to interact with me as he was working with another customer.
Strolling through the store, I found it to be well stocked with GW products. Everything was neatly organized and priced at the standard MSRP. The store also stocked many different non-GW products, including Privateer Press and Magic. There was also a board gaming and role-playing section.
The majority of the space in the store was dedicated to gaming. There were a handful of miniature gaming tables, each covered in very nice looking terrain. There was also tables dedicated to the playing of card and role-playing games. Overall, the gaming space was decent, but I could see it becoming easily packed on days when a decent crowd shows up.
Overall, I thought Battleground was a nice gaming store, but not a memorable one. As a non-local, I need something to motivate me to visit a store while in town, and I did not find it with this place. The gaming tables were nice, but may feel crowded during peek hours. Also with GW products at MSRP, there are many other options available to me when I am looking to add something new to my collection.
Roaming Gamer Score: 3 (5 - Outstanding, 1 - Crapfest)
Product Review,
The Mouth
Monday, November 4, 2013
On the Bench: Eagle Warriors Space Marine - Part 2
When it came to painting up this marine, I wanted the model to share colors with the Imperial Guard models that I had completed a few years ago. This meant using Vallejo Dark Blue as a base for the first layer of paint.
After applying the first layer of paint and touching up spots where the primer bleed through, I gave the blue sections a wash of GW Asurmen Blue.
Once the wash was dry, I applied layers of Dark Blue mixed with Electric Blue.
As I continued to layer the model, Vallejo Skull White was added to the mix.
With each layer, I would alternate between adding more thinner and/or Vallejo Glaze Medium. The reason I do this is to better blend the layers together and create a smooth transition across the blue sections.
As the layers became whiter, I applied them only along the edges and at the sharp corners of the model.
After applying the first layer of paint and touching up spots where the primer bleed through, I gave the blue sections a wash of GW Asurmen Blue.
Once the wash was dry, I applied layers of Dark Blue mixed with Electric Blue.
As I continued to layer the model, Vallejo Skull White was added to the mix.
With each layer, I would alternate between adding more thinner and/or Vallejo Glaze Medium. The reason I do this is to better blend the layers together and create a smooth transition across the blue sections.
As the layers became whiter, I applied them only along the edges and at the sharp corners of the model.
On the Bench,
Space Marine
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Episode 21 - Reviewing Lizardmen with Krampus
Momentum continues to build as the show gets back into full swing with this episode's review of the Lizardmen armybook for WFB. Before the Warriors Three and guest John Ontto share their thoughts on the lastest edition of the cold blooded warriors from the south, they discuss GW releasing supplements to the codices and armybooks.
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00:00:17 Opening Discussion (Army Book Supplemens)
00:19:10 Marshaling the Host
00:50:04 Lizardmen Armybook Review
Army Lists, Feedback, Topic Ideas -
Upcoming Tournaments -
John -
Show Links
Big Mek’s Garage
Rare Choice Games: Facebook | Youtube
Download: Direct Download | iTunes | RSS
00:00:17 Opening Discussion (Army Book Supplemens)
00:19:10 Marshaling the Host
00:50:04 Lizardmen Armybook Review
Army Lists, Feedback, Topic Ideas -
Upcoming Tournaments -
John -
Show Links
Big Mek’s Garage
Friday, November 1, 2013
On the Bench: Eagle Warriors Space Marine - Part 1
Since the conclusion of Invasion Kenosha, I have been itching to get away from Warhammer Fantasy and return to working on stuff for 40K. Between moving back to Illinois from Wisconsin and starting a new job, I haven't had the time to work on anything until recently. Now that my family is mostly settled in and I have a nice new gaming floor at my house, I decided to restart an old project and add some marines to my imperial forces.
I decided for this project to use one of the new plastic Sternguard marines that were release in September as I like my marines wearing loin clothes and having a little more bling on them. I also have a very strong visual of what I want the overall army to look like when on display, so using the new models helps towards achieving that visual without needing to use a lot of greenstuff.
When it comes to priming models, I am a hardcore believer in using white primer for every project. The reason for doing this is that I find it easier to paint brighter colors without the need for a ton of extra layers like what would be needed with black primer. The downside of using white is that it can bleed through if the paint is too thin or not applied in smooth coats.
On the Bench,
Space Marine
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Invasion Kenosha 40K Results
Overall Winner:Tyler Meyer
Best Appearance: Ernie Hall
The 40K Hobbyist: Mike Rhodes
Player's Name | Army Book | Total Score |
Tyler Meyer | Dark Eldar | 97 |
Elliott Levy | Orks | 95 |
Miguel Palacios | Tau Empire | 87 |
John Gaszak (Ringer) | Necrons | 77 |
Ernie Hall | Orks | 76 |
John Kowols | Tau Empire | 69 |
Alexander Nitke | Eldar | 67 |
Nicholas Randall | Eldar | 64 |
Curtis Kaminski | Eldar | 56 |
Mike Rhodes | Chaos Marines | 49 |
Invasion Kenosha V WFB Results
Overall Winner - David Witek
Best Appearance - James 'Domus' Hyde
The Hobbyist - Steve Herner
Pod #1 Greg Dausey
Pod #2 Chuck Jiardina
Pod #3 Mark Vittone
Golden Stein - Steve Herner
Best Appearance - James 'Domus' Hyde
The Hobbyist - Steve Herner
Pod #1 Greg Dausey
Pod #2 Chuck Jiardina
Pod #3 Mark Vittone
Golden Stein - Steve Herner
Results by Name | ||||
Player's Name | Army Book | Club | Appearance | Total Score |
Alex Godlewski | Skaven | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 14 | 72 |
Andrew Greiling | Ogre Kingdoms | | 14 | 65 |
Andrew Karolus | Wood Elves | Unstable Dice Podcast | 24 | 86 |
Ben Cone | Tomb Kings | | 23 | 81 |
Chuck Jiardina | Warriors of Chaos | Unstable Dice Podcast | 28 | 99 |
David Witek | Vampire Counts | NW2 | 24 | 102 |
Grant Fetter | Ogre Kingdoms | NW2 | 27 | 78 |
Greg Dausey | Warriors of Chaos | Holy Hammers | 22 | 94 |
Harrison Witek | High Elves | NW2 | 20 | 69 |
Jacob Rasmussen | Warriors of Chaos | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 20 | 95 |
James Hyde | Wood Elves | Unstable Dice Podcast | 28 | 99 |
James Maslanka | Ogre Kingdoms | Unaffliated | 14 | 67 |
Joel Mousseau | Ogre Kingdoms | IWFB | 20 | 74 |
Joel Rasmussen | Chaos Dwarves | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 23 | 81 |
John McCarthy | Dark Elves | Unaffliated | 16 | 72 |
Kevin Fleming | Orcs & Goblins | Unstable Dice Podcast | 21 | 75 |
Kyle Frank | Empire | Holy Hammers | 22 | 72 |
Lenny Szatkowski | Empire | IWFB | 20 | 86 |
Mark Vittone | Daemons of Chaos | | 18 | 93 |
Matthew Herrbold | Chaos Dwarves | | 25 | 72 |
Matthew Jayjack | Orcs & Goblins | | 15 | 58 |
Paul Wagner | Warriors of Chaos | | 23 | 75 |
Quinn Herner | Ogre Kingdoms | Holy Hammers | 14 | 63 |
Reed Herner | Lizardmen | Holy Hammers | 17 | 73 |
Stephen Herner | Wood Elves | Holy Hammers | 28 | 85 |
Tyler Harshey | Empire | IWFB | 24 | 76 |
Average Score | 20.92307692 | 79.30769231 |
Ranked by Overall Results
Player's Name | Army Book | Club | Appearance | Total Score |
David Witek | Vampire Counts | NW2 | 24 | 102 |
Chuck Jiardina | Warriors of Chaos | Unstable Dice Podcast | 28 | 99 |
James Hyde | Wood Elves | Unstable Dice Podcast | 28 | 99 |
Jacob Rasmussen | Warriors of Chaos | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 20 | 95 |
Greg Dausey | Warriors of Chaos | Holy Hammers | 22 | 94 |
Mark Vittone | Daemons of Chaos | | 18 | 93 |
Andrew Karolus | Wood Elves | Unstable Dice Podcast | 24 | 86 |
Lenny Szatkowski | Empire | IWFB | 20 | 86 |
Stephen Herner | Wood Elves | Holy Hammers | 28 | 85 |
Ben Cone | Tomb Kings | | 23 | 81 |
Joel Rasmussen | Chaos Dwarves | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 23 | 81 |
Grant Fetter | Ogre Kingdoms | NW2 | 27 | 78 |
Tyler Harshey | Empire | IWFB | 24 | 76 |
Kevin Fleming | Orcs & Goblins | Unstable Dice Podcast | 21 | 75 |
Paul Wagner | Warriors of Chaos | | 23 | 75 |
Joel Mousseau | Ogre Kingdoms | IWFB | 20 | 74 |
Reed Herner | Lizardmen | Holy Hammers | 17 | 73 |
Alex Godlewski | Skaven | Rat, Midget & Daemon | 14 | 72 |
John McCarthy | Dark Elves | Unaffliated | 16 | 72 |
Kyle Frank | Empire | Holy Hammers | 22 | 72 |
Matthew Herrbold | Chaos Dwarves | | 25 | 72 |
Harrison Witek | High Elves | NW2 | 20 | 69 |
James Maslanka | Ogre Kingdoms | Unaffliated | 14 | 67 |
Andrew Greiling | Ogre Kingdoms | | 14 | 65 |
Quinn Herner | Ogre Kingdoms | Holy Hammers | 14 | 63 |
Matthew Jayjack | Orcs & Goblins | | 15 | 58 |
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