Thursday, May 28, 2015

Episode 49 - Craftworld Eldar Wraithost

In this episode, the crew breakdown the new Craftworld Eldar Wraith Host.  We discuss each of the units in the formation, how destroyer weapons work, and how we would use the formation. 
Download: Direct Download | iTunes | RSS

Episode Timeline
00:00:15 - Sponsors
00:02:15 - Rumors and New Releases
00:25:00 - Marshaling the Host
00:38:30 - Craftworld Eldar Wraithhost

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Show Links


Heroes Haven Comics & Games: Website | Facebook
A Gathering of Might: Website | Facebook
Scatter Shot Painting: Facebook

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Episode 48 - Michigan GT Preview

In this episode, John is joined by Jeff from the Michigan GT to preview this year's event.  Jeff talks about the new additions to the weekend and what the rules will be for the 40K GT.

Download: Direct Download | iTunes | RSS

Episode Timeline
00:00:15 - Sponsors
00:01:45 - Friday Events at The Michigan GT
00:16:45 - 40K GT Rules
00:37:00 - WFB, Bolt Action, and Firestorm Armada Events

The Show Email -

Show Links

Michigan GT

Heroes Haven Comics & Games: Website | Facebook
A Gathering of Might: Website | Facebook
Scatter Shot Painting: Facebook