With the cancellation of Vanguard and a focus on work and family, I haven't really touched anything gaming related for a few weeks. With that said, I decided this week to pick-up where I left off for Vanguard and continue the process of building my DoW army.

Every DoW army must have a paymaster, so I decided to paint one. When it came to which model to use, I decided to use the Mydas the Mean model instead of a conversion or the new merchant model that was released with 8th edition. I also decided to go with a slightly lighter grey scheme for the armour, giving more of a steel or polished appearance.

Since I have not played a game using 8th edition rules, I can only really speculate as how the paymaster will work. Since he is considered a BSB, and the rules for BSB are very good, I expect him to be an anchor for my army. On the other hand, the new rules for standards, including BSB, makes a paymaster even easier to kill, so he has also become more of a liability.